SLAP Yourself for Your Growth

Slap is an act that has its reaction for about 99% of the time. In fact, a Slap is altogether a violent act, and saying “I will slap you” is in itself a provoking statement. The moment this word comes to mind, others start thinking about the personal character of a human being and also call it an aggressive personality. A person who even thinks of Slapping has following ingredients:

To instigate
To provoke
To read and act
To be very aggressive
To show who is the boss
To show someone down and out
To remove frustration and or anger
To teach a lesson to someone
To get into someone’s nose
To show one attitude
To save/protect someone
To show love

Slap is a violent act but it has its exceptions in ways that make slap a good or justifiable act of violence. As per the Anekantwad Doctrine, everything has many angles to think about. As per Vedas, and Agams, violence is never the first step to success. Slapping in personal life is a success mantra if we follow all the above ingredients positively. It is always said that “One” has “Two sides”, positive and negative, and going with the positive always benefits the success mantra.

Today, this “Running and Achieving all in One Life” Mantra, is doing more harm than good in one’s life. There is always a stop to any run and hence this applies to personal life, business growth etc.

SLAP means:

Sayam = Control = Balance Learning = Skill = Upgrade Anuvrat = Defined Small Goals Preksha Dhyan = Profound awareness of the SELF


In Civil Law, when one wants Interim Stay/Injunction, the Court passes the order of Injunction when the Court comes to the conclusion as to where the Balance of Convenience lies. In Cricket, even if you are close to scoring your century (100 Runs) and wickets are less to win, one does not go for a Century but ensures a win, and this is where you need to be balanced in mind, in life, and in decision. Being balanced here means Control as well. History is evident that a person who had Sayam crosses the line of happiness. Ashwathama was a superpower person but he lost Sayam and killed an unborn child in the womb and hence he was cursed by Lord Krishna to stay alive till the new Yuga comes which would take thousands of years. Ashwathama is the best person who can tell the importance of being SAYAM in every situation as he must painfully want to be free of this curse, but at the same time accept the fact that time will come when it has to come. Ashwathama’s life is exactly opposite to Bheeshm who, instead of making a calm decision, took a quick decision and his oath ended up taking the whole kingdom towards Mahabharata. There are many but to know the importance of SAYAM these two illustrations show the relevance of SAYAM in our daily as well as business life. Even for Karna, who took the decision in such haste that he indirectly acted in Adharma by committing an act against Draupadi which in end resulted in his death for the wrong reasons. The same is true in our life, like when eating too much Salt than what is required and brings diseases and not eating Salt brings disease as well and hence life is of the highest peak if the decisions are taken in SAYAM mode. Nowadays, screen time has gone upto 7 hours a day and if this SAYAM mode is not activated soon, for sure the generations to come will lose their mind, eyes and will result very badly in body changes and thereby resulting in bad output. Similarly, the patience level has come down, the outside life has come down as the online presence has increased too much, affecting the whole life cycle, and this SAYAM can be achieved through Preksha Dhyan (discussed later in this Article). With regards to personal life, there are family issues (on the rise) for various reasons and in this, if two parties behave angrily then the chances of reconciliation are NIL and it is only when two parties keep their mind calm and are SAYAM in nature, the outcome is for sure will be there either in positive or negative.

With regards to the business world, decisions matter, and only the decisions that are taken after giving it a good thought, where SAYAM plays a big role, business surely grows to increase and the reason is that such decisions are always taken seeing all possibilities. Many decisions that are taken have various impacts and are never isolated. One bad decision can change the whole system and may collapse, as we have seen many business entities going down for not making good decision. Even in the case of WAR, decisions that are taken in SAYAM mode always have its result outcome smoothly. It is an admitted fact that with great powers come great responsibilities. Once the deal is done, it’s done and cannot be revised. Karna, the warrior who was in the Adharma fight regretted it later in his life, as the act the could have been avoided but due to not taking the right decision with a calm mind, his act made the relations worse and led to Mahabharata.

There is a WORD that is very important in one’s life and if one respects that WORD and understands its meaning, purpose, its strength then for sure one would be on a perfect path and knowing the way to have control over yourself is in itself a huge success. This WORD if used as a Prefix with any other word just works in one direction i.e., SUCCESS. There is no second meaning other than saying SUCCESS. Let’s be clear that success here does not mean more and more money or posts or fame but it is more than that. It means that you are on the path where you are enjoying totality, in your work, in your life, in your own company, with your family and you give great importance to the said WORD in your life. The WORD which has so much significance to your own life and success that the word ‘success’ has the same “alphabet”, this word, is none other than “SELF”. The importance of the word “SELF” can be realized by just reading the following words with the prefix “SELF”:


Many drivers of individual success / entrepreneurial success are uncontrollable, including timing, the market, competition, and well, lucky breaks. However, there is one thing you can control–yourself. And according to science, self-control is a key quality in life success/ business success. People with high levels of self-control are more effective with their time, thoughtful in their decisions, and productive with their work.

SAYAM is nothing but a shield on your own life and a path to success. Acharya Tulsi of Jain Terapanth (widely popular all over the World) have stated that “Main Hun Apne Bhagya Ka Nirmata” (You are the master of your destiny, the creator of life)


Learning is a never ending process and in fact, anyone who says that he has completed learning and studies, trust me he/she is a failure in life if not today then later for sure as they will destroy themselves. Learning does not mean getting degrees or certificates but it means becoming knowledgeable. Sadly, nowadays all are after such degrees and throughout their day, claim to have done studied, which in fact has no great relevant as each degree is difficult but so is the market that all are in the process of showing their degrees to the world. A single word has many interpretations and it depends on situational behavior and if one can get his masters done in this field, then he is greatly knowledgeable but his process of learning has not stopped. We all know how Britishers by setting up manufacturing drugs factory at Bihar killed many intellectuals in centuries to come in Bihar, India. Acharya Mahapragyaji who was widely known for his rich contribution in literature as such was his mastery that someone has said in his writing “Between one full stop and another sentence, the whole kingdom is Built”. Even after more than 430 plus books and AGAMS translations and meaning and hundreds of articles, even before death, he was in a learning process and this habit made him the great author, Acharya of Terapanth Samaj, and even Prime Minister Modi was a huge fan of his. Learning is what you learn from your mistakes, other’s mistakes, your actions and even from people younger to you as it is a continuous process. Even Lord Krishna learned from Sudhama, Sachin Tendulkar (God of Indian Cricket) learnt many things from Sehwag, etc. Learning never stops and neither shall be stopped for any reason as the day it stops or stopped; you will be in a dark zone for sure.

In Business, even if you are a director, CEO, Founder, etc learning will only make them grow faster and thereby organization and a motivation to their team to learn as part of your skill upgrade in all aspects. The day when your attitude toward learning is increased, then the growth of any business is for sure.

Learning can also be called an upgrading skill. Skill is the most searched topic in Google, atleast if searched in India, mostly thanks to Hon’ble and Respected Prime Minister Narendra D Modi. What PM Modi has done to spread awareness about SKILL is nothing short of wonder. It is not that PM Modi has invented the word SKILL as it has been for ages but sharing the importance in the development of oneself and for India have made it the most relevant keyword. Skill does not mean academic degree, Diplomas or any Certificate but how to handle the situation when and where you are in.

To understand the importance of having SKILL, the below story will help:

During the Pandavas 13 Years Forest Yatra, the Pandavas along with Draupadi reached Dvaitavana having left the Kamyaka forest-range. They were all tired, exhausted and extremely thirsty. Yudhishtira asked Nakula to climb up a tree to locate any source of water. Nakula did the same and located the traces for some water source by water-creepers, cranes etc. Yudhistira asked Nakula to go to the source and get immediately some water. He went there and saw a lake with crystal clear water and was about to drink it when he heard a voice: ‘Don’t venture to drink the water before answering my questions. Otherwise you will come to grief.’ Nakula did not heed his words and tried to drink the water. Immediately he fell dead. When Nakula did not return for a long time, Yudhishtira sent Sahadeva, who also met the same fate without listening to the warning of the Yaksha. Then Arjuna came and he also did not care for the warning of the Yaksha and thus fell dead. Bhima also met with the same fate. Then Yudhishtira got worried and went to investigate the fate of his brothers. He was near the beautiful lake as if constructed by Vishvakarma himself, with all his brothers lying down dead. When he saw their fate, he lamented their death. Even though they were dead they had not lost their color, there was no ghastly distortion of expression and he began to wonder as to the cause of this extraordinary situation. Then he heard the voice of Yaksha. “I am a Yaksha in the form of a Crane eating fish and water plants, and because of me, all your brothers are dead. I asked them not to venture to drink the water of this pond without answering my questions. You will be the fifth one. Don’t venture to do so before answering all my questions. Yudhishtira asked him about his history and the Yaksha told him: I am not a bird. Please answer my questions and then you may drink the water. Yudhishtira told him that he did not want to incur the wrath of the Yaksha, “You may ask your questions and I shall reply to them” Thereupon the Yaksha asked several questions covering many moral, social and philosophical issues and Yudhishtira replied each one of them to the satisfaction of the Yaksha and then all brother became alive again and they left for their journey. Note: This appears in the Mahabharata at the end of Vanaparva (chapters 312 to 314).

This story proves that even though Arjuna (the Greatest Warrior), Bhima, and other Pandavas were mighty since they never had the SKILL to handle the situation, were put to death by Yaksha and it was Yudhishtira who handled the situation well and hence this story teaches the relevance of SKILL in today life and also in business ventures.

The best example of how to handle the situation when all is against you was done by CADBURY. There was a time when insects were found in CADBURY and one or two of those instances came into limelight and this was spreading too large and was the first step in killing the brand that is attached to of higher value towards customers. CADBURY smartly chose Amitabh Bachchan as the new brand ambassador, and at that time it was seen that Amitabh Bachchan was giving the message of CADBURY being safe and how it takes care of their customer and this advertisement stopped all negative views and uplifted the goodwill again in the market. The smart choice was to have Amitabh Bachchan in their advertisement and at that time Amitabh Bachchan was seen as the only person to save CADBURY due to his image of being a person who saw all ups and down and fought and reached the stage where he was and even higher. This speaks the SKILL mindset of CADBURY.


I was walking very slowly and taking my steps in such a slow motion that in reality the public walking behind me started to shout at me stating “if you cannot walk fast, then please allow us to pass by and don’t waste our time”. I gave no heed but to avoid fighting, allowed them to go and in one minute I was left behind by more than 70 people in a good second. As soon as I reached the Train Ticket Window, the Ticket Officer asked me which place ticket I wanted and I was standing there after me, there were more than 40 standing already in anger mood, ticket officer shouted at me saying first decide what you want and then come meanwhile allow others to take the ticket and the person just after me also shouted and I just moved aside and was thinking that in hardly two minutes or so, the 45 people took the ticket and went and there was another line of 50 and this continued for an hour and I had still not yet decided and to say was confused and was thinking. This proves that at every stage one has to know the defined destination or shorter way to say a Goal. 45 People were aware that they had to go somewhere for ex., one to Vashi, another to Andheri, etc and else and hence since such people were aware of the destination or you can goal for that particular purpose, they got the desired result fast and as I was not aware of my destination or purpose or goal, I was left behind or let’s say I failed to compete with the changing lane of the world.

Assume a life without goal, a business setup with no vision or goal, a sport tournament without goal. Going by Vedas/Agams, this life of present human being is with some purpose/goal and who can pass this in SAYAM mode then next phase of their life is Supreme. Anuvrat is what makes the goal achievable. One person ordering a large size pizza with 12 pieces for food, he/she cannot eat 12 at one go by one by one but not necessary in line and this is where the small goal is made up and a defined goal is setup and the destination reaches by going through such defined small goals. This brings the attention that knowing “Defined Goal” or “Defined Destination” is of utmost importance for any purpose. Most of the problems as why majority of them fails to reach the Goals is because they directly look to reach End Goal without knowing that End Goal can only be reached if one gives important to smaller goals and to know the relevance of smaller goals one has to understand the importance of ANUVRAT. The one who knows the concept of ANUVRAT will no doubt give the utmost importance to smaller goals to achieve the End Goal. The term ANUVRAT was formulated by **Ganadhipati Acharya Tulsi, a famous and great Jain Saint/Monk who started this movement under name ANUVRAT which meant a series of ‘small vows’ of avoiding violence, not cutting trees, etc to ensure the end goal is achieve of having a society where human respects human with dignity and animals. The step of ANUVRAT was small but it later achieved huge success and it became a movement which till date is in process and the fruit of ANUVRAT movement were and is being achieved today. Acharya Tulsi was born at Ladnu in Nagaur district in a Khater (oswal-Jain) family in the year 1914. At the tender age of eleven he became a monk and took to the difficult path of renunciation. He accepted the leadership of a vast religious order at the age of 22. At the age of 33, he started Anuvrata Movement to restore the dignity of moral values and the values of character.

Smaller Goals are of most importance as majority of times, we directly focus on reaching End goals and this mostly leads to nowhere and infact knowing the smaller goals helps one to know whether their End Goals is defined properly or not and in way of achieving the smaller goals, End Goals becomes easy to reach and also enjoy its fruits.

The best example for me to state of the person who might have never thought of such an End Goals but assuming he may have thought is no other than the present Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi. If one is aware of what PM Modi did to reach here is nothing short of being called as a perfect way of reaching your End Goals. PM Modi started as RSS Karyakarta and then slowly reached the ranks of RSS and in during the times did many roles and it was nothing short of miracle that in Year 2002 post Earthquake, PM Modi was called for being the CM of State of Gujarat and I am assuming that after being acting as CM of State of Gujarat for more than 2 Term, the another goal would have been PM and man he did achieved in style and no one can deny the way he handled himself. As per my small info, PM Modi never lost the election when fought and his life story is nothing short of a Management Study as to how one shall realize the limitation at the particular situation and then work on smaller goals and make your End Goals bigger and even modification of End Goals is the probability as in case of PM Modi.

The way to reach “End Goals” is to first make up your smaller goals which and when achieved will and no doubt work as one step further to reach End Goals. Each smaller goal helps you get stronger, become more confident, and be able to try more challenging things. Even better, you know what needs to get done next to help you progress.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said, ‘If we want to build a great country, it should have a firm foundation… such a foundation is of character … What a good piece of work is being done within the Anuvrat Movement! I think the more this work progresses, the better it is.


This concept was by Great Shree Acharya Mahapragyaji. The person who can controlled his/her mind is the person who always leads to growth be it in family personal life or business life or social life. Even Vedas/Agams says that a stable and calm mind will only make proper decision and right decision. There is no doubt that today we live in a society where stress has become part of life ad this is purely our mistake and in order to dethrone the stress it puts more pressure on body and mind and this affects us and body and it affects health badly.

The word Preksha means “profound awareness of the self”. In Jainism, the technique of Preksha Dhyan or meditation was formulated by Acharya Mahapragya in the 20th century, based on the philosophy and practice of Lord Mahaveera. Lord Mahaveera attained enlightenment through Preksha Dhyan. Preksha may appear to mean different things to different people because it contributes to increase physical, nervous as well as spiritual energies. On physical level, it helps each bodily cell to revitalize itself; it facilitates digestion; it makes respiration more efficient and improves circulation and quality of blood. On mental level, it proves to be an applied method to train the mind to concentrate; it cleans and relaxes the mind; it offers a way to treat serious psychosomatic illnesses without drugs; it is an efficient tool for ending addictions and other bad habits; it reveals to one the mysteries of his mind by the realization and the real experience of the inner consciousness which includes the subconscious and the unconscious. On emotional level, the strengthening of conscious reasoning controls reactions to environmental conditions, situations, and behaviour of others: harmonization of the functioning of nenous and endocrine systems results in control and ultimate eradication of psychological distortions. On spiritual level, firm control of the reasoning mind, regulation and transformation of blood-chemistry through proper synthesization of neuro-endocrinal secretions, and production of dispassionate internal vibrations lead one to attain the power to control the mind and to become free from the effects of the external forces compelling one to lose equanimity. Acharya Mahapragya developed Preksha Meditation as a special practice influenced by the tenets of the Jain Agamas, ancient scriptures, Yoga Science, Biology, Modern Physics, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, etc. He brought together Meditation, Yogasana, Pranayama and Mantra. The holistic approach of Preksha Meditation towards health is relevant in the present times for people practising meditation to combat physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ailments that afflict them. Preksha means to perceive and Dhyan means meditation.

Acharya Tulsi said “The great secret of success in life lies in concentration. Concentration is necessary not only in the field of spiritual practice but in all walks of life = education, art, commerce and science etc. The force that lies in concentration can never be there when it is divided.

I end my thoughts stating that “Success does not mean winning but handling situations effectively when required” and if you can handle the situation this will only show your maturity to deal with problems and this quality will only make you rise everytime and anytime.

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