Business Growth under Anuvrat

Would you believe in what you believe in if you were the only one who believed it

Anuvrat = Means which can be taken for Business as well in personal life and in my view what Great Ganadipathi Tulsi even might have thought is as under:
A – Anekanta – Understand all perspective and to say mine is true is incorrect but yes the best is always for betterment of nature and public and animals and all living beings at large
N – Nissangata – Complete Detachment
U – Udaya – Realisation of Rise of Karma
V – Vachan – Gupti Self-Control of Speech
R – Ratnatrayi – Concept of Three Jewels, Right Conduct, Right Knowledge, Right Faith
A – Ahimsa – Non-Violence
T – Tapasya – Bramachari (Limit on Celibacy) even in life you are as of now or Tap means Bhava of doing great and good things

Small step makes a way to big steps. A Baby is taught to walk in small steps and then they learn to take big steps. We are being taught how to walk and when to walk but no one is explaining the manner in which one shall walk and this is nothing but Aacharan (behaviour) as end your Aacharan is what is taken into consideration. Our education system is no doubt not relevant as for different set of skills training are given same and process are same and even in higher studies Modern Economy has taken the place of Relevance Economy and thereby today the Competition has ruin the world, your relations, your family not even sparring your own kid.

It is true that Trust is the most basic factor which other relies upon and infact you all being from business class or job or service but trust is what the major factor. What is Trust, nothing but Aacharan outcome?

I was in Panckula, Chandigarh for my matter and during my matter got a half day off due to half sitting of Court. I got to know from my friend that there is start-up event where around 50 to 60 business person will come and he told me to join. We were late as we reached by 3.30 and time was 2.30 and I was introduced. I was told to share my view on today start-ups and the first question asked was “How many of you finding business now and also stressed and are suffering in Business, mostly all raised their hands and when I asked the reasons, the major reasons were government policies, taxation, not finding trustworthy professionals, GST, local government officers, bribe and list was no ending. However, then I asked, who here feels that one of the reasons is You for this suffering, all were only looking and laughing and murmuring and one asked “How on our own will kill our business” and then I shared my view which I feel was right as knowing today’s condition.

If you drink modern trend poison “Pepsi”, “Coke” “sting” and or juices which is heaviest loaded juices, fat foods, their effect will come over a period of time and hence even your business if any suffers is also due to you. As an individual, it may be difficult to change government policies but you can change yourself and your changes will reflect in other changes and that changes if passed the change only comes to you in positive way. All have become the student of Modern Economy where even Bribe is taken as positive work. The only principle of Modern Economy is “Earn as much as you can and in any way”. This is resulting in very bad for as a person, to family and nation at large.

Sharing Examples how bad Aacharan has resulted in business closure and or huge financial losses and also leading to Jail as Accused:
1] CEO Rahul Yadav = Founder of has finally ended its tumultuous relationship with CEO Rahul Yadav and this time there’s no doubt about it. CNBC-TV18 reported that the board of Housing has sacked Yadav as his attitude towards the company’s investors, partners and the media was not befitting of a CEO. The board further clarified that Rahul Yadav will no longer be an employee or associated with the company in any manner as Yadav’s behaviour is detrimental to the company

2] Rahul Yadav = Founder of 4B Networks
Consumer Internet group InfoEdge has initiated a forensic audit of its portfolio company 4B Networks founded by Yadav for not disclosing details of financial transactions and related-party activities when asked for by the investor. In a stock exchange filing, InfoEdge said it hired Deloitte to conduct a forensic audit of the property-tech startup. InfoEdge had written off its equity investment of Rs 276 crore in 4B Networks during the December 2022 quarter citing “excessive cash burn, prevailing liquidity issues and significant uncertainty towards funding options”.

3] Amit Bhasin, Kushal Karwa, Rishabh Karwa and Nitin Rana = Founders of GoMechanic = Failed due to inflated financials
With confessions of revenue fraud and layoffs impacting 70% of its workforce, GoMechanic is the latest Sequoia-backed startup to come into the limelight for such discrepancies. As investors have called for a forensic investigation of its financials, and with the founders likely to be asked to step away, the company’s future hangs in the balance. The admission by the founders after misleading investors for years by showing fake numbers raises questions about the wilful fraud. Investors believe this puts the reputation of other startup founders at risk. Founded in 2016 by Amit Bhasin, Kushal Karwa, Rishabh Karwa and Nitin Rana, GoMechanic set out to infuse tech and structure to the unorganised automobile repair industry.

4] Pulkit Agrawal, Bimal Kartheek Rebba, and Arun Lodhi = Founders of Trell = Failed due to alleged party related transactions
Bengaluru-based social commerce platform Trell has been undergoing an internal investigation for alleged party-related transactions and financial irregularities. Trell founders – Pulkit Agrawal, Bimal Kartheek Rebba, and Arun Lodhi are being investigated by the forensic team of EY India for alleged party related transactions, an ET report highlighted.

5] Ankit Bose = Founder of Zilingo’s = Failed due to showing disparate revenue figures to investors and shareholders between 2020 and late 2021
Sources told us, she not only signed off on many of these payments, but was also said to be involved in showing disparate revenue figures to investors and shareholders between 2020 and late 2021. More than a dozen of Zilingo’s key employees revealed these details to auditors from Kroll and Deloitte, and much of this information is likely to be in the reports produced by the two auditors appointed in the wake of Bose’s dismissal.

6] Raveendran = Founder of Byju = Struggling due to incorrect reporting in Financials
Byju – Layooff and wrong accounts Byju’s as Prosus NV, an investor in the edtech startup, asserted that the company’s reporting and governance structure did not evolve sufficiently for an entity of this scale and it “regularly disregarded advice” by the Dutch-listed firm

7] Harvey Weinstein
The CEO: Harvey Weinstein The Company: The Weinstein Company Why They Were Ousted: Sexual assault, harassment and misconduct.

8] Scott Thompson
The CEO: Scott Thompson The Company: Yahoo! Why They Were Ousted: Accused of adding a fake computer science degree to his resume

Who is Ganadipathi Acharya Tulsi and What is Anuvrat Movement?
The Anuvrat Movement was initiated in Sardarshahar in Rajasthan, India Shyama Prasad advocates that there is nothing wrong in an organisation seeking to make profit. However, when it makes substandard products or uses unfair means to gain market share or ignores its responsibility towards environment or goes out to destroy the competitors, it is unethical. As Mahatma Gandhi said, the world has enough for everyone is need but not for anyone’s greed.

According to Shyama Prasad, “The purpose of business is not simply to go on amassing wealth endlessly. Albeit profit making or wealth maximisation is a goal of every business but, it is not the end. Money is the means to achieve something higher. Business should be driven by the motive of the welfare of the entire nation or at least of the society in which the business operates. The objective with the Anuvrat Movement was to bring about a moral awakening to humanity. He would introduce himself as, “initially I am a human being, then a religious person, thereafter Jain and then the Acharya of Terapanth sect.” His inspirational slogan, “insan pahle insan, phir Hindu ya Musalman” – At first man is human, thereafter he is Hindu or Muslim

Define Ganadipathi Acharya Tulsi:
Fair complexion, medium stature, imposing forehead, large shining eyes, long ears – it is the out ward visual image of his personality which fascinates anyone even at first sight. In some circumstances Anuvrat Movement put forward the following secret before the people: • Dharma occupies the first place, sect comes next • There may be many sects but Dharma belongs to all. • Dharma is quite distinct from politics. It must not be subjected to political interferences.

Anuvrat Movement raised its voice in the following words:
• Dharma is not merely an instrument of ensuring happiness in the hereafter but it is also a means to bring happiness to the present life.
• Who was fails to make his present life better is unlikely to achieve happiness in the hereafter.
• The primary aims of dharma are to purify character. Its ritualistic practices are secondary.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the then President of India, said, “Achrayashree, Anuvrat Movement is very useful for our country. You must speak to our Prime Minister, JawaharLal Nehru, about it. He will not only appreciate it but will also be helpful in its progress.”

Pt. Nehru’s relationship with the Movement grew intimate. He evaluated it in the following words:
If you wish to build the edifice of our nation, its foundation must be laid deep. If we lay the foundation on sand the whole structure will collapse the movement it comes into contact with water. The edifice erected on the foundation of character is always strong. We have to undertake many important projects in this country. For caring out this great responsibility we must have a strong heart, a good brain, a great deal of power to control ourselves. We have to learn this things. They are all embedded in character. What is good piece of work is being done within the Anuvrat Movement! I think that the more this work progresses, the better it is. I wish it wish it all success.

This is what Ganadipathi Tulsi was:
Once when Acharyashree was speaking at a huge assembly, a man stood up and asked, “Are you Hindu or a Muslim?” Acharyashree replied, “Brother, I am not a Hindu because I do not have a choti ( a lock of hair) on my head, nor am I a Muslim since I was not born in a Muslim family. He asked him again, “what are you, then ?” Acharyashree replied, ” I am a human being by birth. I am also a Jain because I am trying to conquer myself.”

Ganadipathi Tulsi and Gandhi
Acharya Sri wanted to meet Mahatma Gandhi for an exchange of idea. This, somehow did not materialize. When Mahatma Gandhi was alive, Acharya Sri was busy in preparing himself for work , and when Acharya Sri’s preparation was nearing completion, Mahatma Gandhi was no longer in this world. Had this meeting come about ,it would have undoubtedly been fruitful. Mahatma Gandhi had received a copy of Acharya Sri’s “message of peace to an Unquiet World.” His comment thereupon reveal an identity of views. Acharya Sri had delivered his message on 26 june1945; it was published a little later. Mahatma Gandhi commented, “why this delay in releasing such a message? At one place in the message , while calling upon people to adopt peaceful methods, Acharya Sri had referred to ‘right conduct’. There upon Mahatmaji wrote “ has this ‘right conduct’ been propagated?” Acharya Sri message had mention nine ways of achieving world piece . Mahatma Gandhi wrote “ how good it would be if world lives in accordance with this great man’s precepts!” Acharya Sri has had greater opportunity to read Gandhiji’s views , Which have influenced him much. Mahatma Gandhi had no opportunity to get acquainted with Acharya Sri’s views. Except the message referred to above , to which the Mahatma Gandhi could not remain indifferent. One cannot therefore help imagining that if a meeting between the two had materialized, it would have further strengthened the groundwork of non-violence.

For building a better world, the transformation should begin at individual level
As said by Acharya Mahapragya, called as Swami Vivekananda of Modern Era

At the end I will say that the day “You Leave ‘me’ and ‘mine’ then everything will be yours” for sure as this is where you achieve happiness which is more greater than success

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