Confused in Life, But why so?

I am sure you will find atleast 1 out of 2 persons being confused in her/his life as most amongst many are confused for many reasons be it career, growth, personal life, love life, family life, friends, etc.

Confusion is not a disease but it does bring many diseases such as stress, overthinking and depression majorly. Healthy mind is what humans want to succeed in life. Weak mind in indirectly associated with weak persons and such people normally in their life are very negative and fail to find any success.

APA Dictionary defines confusion as: “a mental disturbance characterized by bewilderment, inability to think clearly or act decisively, and disorientation for time, place and person”

Confusion is a perfect recipe for blockage of mind and leading to overthinking. There is no doubt that overthinking kills mind and leads to many mental health issues and at that time gambling takes place in the mind of “assumption and presumption”. Confusion does not lead to overthinking but yes overthinking leads to confusion.

To be confused is a state of mind where the mind is at full stop and one is not able to move forward or go backwards. It actually keeps your life to standstill but in a very bad state.

In my view the pure meaning of confusion which is attributed only to humans does not have any bifurcation. However, even if it is bifurcated the confusion here relates to “what is making one not able to move forward”

But why Confusion at all (some of the reasons are as under):

Competition/To compete

Expectation / To Expect

Comparison / To Compare

To be fame /Being Famous

To be known by all getting all in a very short period

To do many things at one time

To be like others

Dreams with no end

No control over your mind

No control over your thoughts

To achieve all in very short span of time

Running a race to win

To show others of Being Happy

Want to be number one in all what you want to do

No doubt today’ most of them are trying to copy others to be like them but are not ready to create their own unique image. One has to understand that all crickets cannot be like Sachin nor Sachin can be like Virat or Virat can be like Rohit, etc.

How to eradicate Confusion?

Any issues which is creating confusion in my view follow the following steps

Just make your mind calm (possibly try swimming as it just takes you near nature and or any other sports or bhakti in what one believe in)

Just talk to your mind Note down your thoughts in any manner/form (possibly handwritten)

Relax and spend time with your loved ones

Forget about the issue bothering you for sometime and do anything else what you believe in

Forget about the outer world and think about your inner world

Mediation is the best remedy for all mental related issues

Rearrange your ideas

Understand the meaning of Anekantwad

Sayam in yourself

Self-motivation is always superior to motivation

Be surrounded by good and positive people

Be in touch with like minded people

Remember there are no shortcuts for any matter whatsoever and one who has got fame or money in shortcut have lost their shine in very quicker time and today are unknown.

Have your friend circle with those who are positive in their life

Respect time and give time its value (this of utmost important in any field)

Reading books on Ved, Agams, etc will only give you answers for your confusion

Anuvrat plays biggest role in removing the confusion as knowing the smaller goals are what makes one a great people. All great people have fine-tune their smaller goals and have reached today to be called as greats

One has to know that your body sends signals of all what we do, what we speak and hence even in humour don’t speak negative as body itself is a parallel universe and it cannot be solved by any science anytime in my views as there are many aspects of life where science fails

Whether you believe in God or a follower of science, but one thing is which needs appreciation is that Body which we are in is a simple machine (which is made complex by us) is solution provider facility in itself. You don’t require any third party for any of your concern but inner you and this has always been there with you since life came on earth

I still remember when one of my friend was studying, other friends and colleagues were working and earning around Rs. 40,000/- and that many times used to make him think of whether he is doing is right or not but he kept calm and made his thought very simple of doing as he knew what his goal was and did what he felt was correct at the particular time and never allowed anyone to take over his mind. Result is today they are earning Rs. 1.5 lakhs per month (around) spending 10-14 hours in traveling and office timing and he is earning Rs. 75 lakhs per annum with the time spending of hardly 6-7 hours. If money is measured as being success then yes he is successful. However, for me the point is if Rs. 1.5 Lakh person is happy and Rs. 75 Lakhs is not I will be more than happy earning Rs, 1.5 Lakhs.

Our Body is like Guitar. Guitar has Strings with tunes unlimited but limited if someone is aware of. Our Body has bones, veins and muscles which are unlimited but limited. If any string in guitar is bend or loosened, it will not work and play tune what it meant for and till it is not set properly Guitar will be just as good as is a box and is of no value for which Guitar was made. The person who has mastered the art of knowing how to play guitar and placing of strings in a different way will always give good tune and music. Any confusion in mind while playing it will make the guitar playing tune badly. The Body with unlimited bones, veins and muscles if get confused signal will not work as it is has to and this will give rise to other issues. You need to understand that our body is not complex but simple and it is we who make it complex. You will agree that all issues are always due to our mistake. Mediation is the way to bring all strings in body to align with mind and then mind give you solution. Similarly how much the issue is only a clear mind, calm mind and clean mind will give you right direction. It may happen that the right direction may fail but it will always leads to success.

It is important we understand that what we do today, the results always come at later stages of life but it comes. To understand this better, today having supplements may bring you six packs & abs in a very quick time but this will give bad result later and if you fail to understand what is good or bad result for you, it will always make you confused in life.

Today all wants to jump and run to reach goals and this does leads to confusion. Confusion for me is giving incorrect signal to body wherein body becomes unsure of what you want and this even makes mind to get confused and this leads to over thinking and then even more confusion

Remember the day you make clear mind with clear message of what you want results will come as what you expect

Lord Hanuman was clear to find Devi Sita, he found

Eklavya was clear of learning the art of Arrow from Guru Dronacharya and he learnt and when he was asked his Thumb as Guru Dakshina, he gave. This shows that Eklavya always had the clarity of mind and thoughts

Karna was clear that he wants to help Duryodhan even after he knew what will be the result it will bring in. However, when his mind was confused of what is good or bad he shamed Draupadi and for this he was cursed and we all know what happened to Karna.

Today generation if unhappy and or not able to understand what to do and or are confused they go for drinks, smoking, drugs in the name of let’s try and they feel that this habits will keep them peace and will give them the solution. There is no doubt that there are certain kind of drugs which give you peace but this will give rise to another habit which is not good for you as a confusion will come shall I take or not

The simpler your life and your thoughts are, you will be more of a clarified person with no confusion. Simplicity always comes with being true to yourself and others too.

Confusion is just a word and if not made clear there is a chance that pharma companies may launch tablet very soon with tagline that “Are you confused, take this tablet and have clarity in mind and reach your goals and be successful”. Let’s not give this opportunity to pharma.

At end, just want to stretch that it is not important that you dream big but important is to have clear idea of how to achieve dream in peaceful manner. I wish you all best in your life and remember, let’s not play with our mind confusing mind but with peaceful mind so that life in return give you surprises you may not be aware off.

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