Walk, Acquire and Give

Walk is the reason why World has seen great leaders and it was the walk that has made Gandhi as the Mahatma Gandhi. Walk is the only way to find out above the realty of other being including human and it was only due to the walk the Gandhi did as told by Lokmanya Tilak that he realised that to get independence to India needs a different strategy. It was Dandi March that made Salt a World Issue and put Gandhi on International Forum. All great personalities in field of social life has taken the route of walking to know the pain, happiness, culture of human beings and also the conditions. In Jain, all Acharyas including Sadhu/Sadhviji are aware of the importance of Walking as through this it made them understand the reality of many different varieties of issues of Human and their suffering. There are many who says that it is waste of time but in walk that made Sadhu/Sadhviji a person who know how to control the mind and those who can control the mind are good soul and from a good soul the process starts of being pure soul and then the journey begin towards a life which makes one to understand about oneself. Knowing other is very important and cannot be ignored but before that one shall know as in this way justice is done to —- others. Imagine today also a —– all sanyasi who are in social understand the importance of walk. A baby first crawls and then when the baby starts walking the first sentence is “now she can walk with us”. This is where the time comes to take the steps to know the world.

One such personality out of many was Great Shree Acharya Mahapragyaji gave the meaning of Walk, Acquire and Give. Walk = It does not mean a routine walk but walking with vision and purpose of knowing what is going around and meeting lakhs of people till a destination is reached and knowing their problems, issues and this walk is the only way Jain Sadhu/Sadhviji gets to goal to achieve. Walk teaches, makes us to learn, understand about life, all living beings and a curiosity sparks inside to do something better for others and this leads to acquiring of information, ideas, etc.

Acquire = If you walk with mindfulness purpose, what you will acquire many things in life as you may find different types of people, knowing how to talk with such different people, ways their manners and this where the knowledge acquires. Reading google or surfing net only gives you an information but walking and acquiring gives knowledge. Anyone who has read the literature of Acharya Mahapragya will understand —- be required and then what is acquired becomes relevant only —- is given.

Give = Give means with no costs

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